Online Betting Tax Ireland

In the Irish 2011 Budget  (7th Dec 2010) – it was announced that Ireland will be applying Betting Duty to Offshore Betting (Online or Telephone ) Betting Duty is currently 1% and only applies to bets placed in betting shops. The Irish  Government now intends to include provisions in the Finance Bill and revise the […]
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Four Year National Recovery Plan Details

The anticipated  4 year National Recovery Plan  from the Irish government was released today. Some of the key points include …. (This post wil be updated as details arise) The minimum wage is being cut by 1 euro per hour, to €7.75 / hour.  (A 12% Cut) Corporation tax remains at a rate of 12.5% […]
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Disposable Income Figures in Ireland

Below is  is a post which  we have from November 2009 –  which makes interesting reading in the light of the today’s minimum wage reduction and the forthcoming Budget 2011  which is expected to cut many welfare benefits….. The CSO published a report in 2009  – “Survey on Income and Living Conditions ”  which several […]
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Budget 2011 and The Four Year Plan

The Irish cabinet are holding an emergency meeting this evening  to finalise details of a four year budgetary plan for the country . This plan will be closely tied to the forthcoming December 7th Budget for 2011 – and  it seems a few details have been leaked. The Irish government are also expected to make […]
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