The recent heavy rainfall in many parts of Ireland has resulted in flooding in some areas with many homes affected.
The cost of repairs and replacing damaged posessions will be a big burden on many households – especially if they were not insured.
In areas prone to flooding – many insurers will not provide home insurance, or else they will charge very high premiums.
There is a government scheme that is available to give some financial assistance to homeowners affected by flooding .
The Humanitarian Assistance Scheme is operated by the Department of Social Protection. It is designed to alleviate hardship rather than provide full compensation for damage.
The scheme is means-tested – but the means test is fairly generous – you do not have to be on social welfare to qualify.
The scheme aims to provide emergency financial assistance to households who are not able to meet the costs of essential needs immediately following flooding. It will help towards the cost of repairing or replcing carpets , flooring, furniture, household appliances and bedding. Structural damage may also be considered.
The scheme does not cover any losses covered by an insurance policy. It does not cover any loss or damage to private rented accommodation or local authority accommodation or buisinesses.
(See separate scheme for businesses)
The department say that “Levels of payment will depend on the relative severity of damage experienced and your ability to meet these costs.”
In 2014 , €1.2 million was paid out under the scheme in respect of 936 claims (average of €1282 per claim) . There is about €10 Million available in the scheme this year.
Means Test :
Single people: If you have a gross annual household income of €30,000 or less you will get 100% of the amount allowable. For each €1,000 of household income above €30,000 you will be required to make a 1% contribution to the amount allowable.
Couples or Single Parents : If you have a household income of €50,000 or less you will get 100% of the amount allowable. For each €1,000 of household income above €50,000 you will be required to make a 1% contribution to the amount allowable.
The income limits are increased by €10,000 for each child in the household.
Non-dependent adult household members: For each non-dependent adult member of the household 20% of their gross income is added to the household income.
Examples :
1) Single with a gross household income of €35,000 you will get 95% of the amount allowable (€5,000 over the income limit of €30,000 = 5% personal contribution towards the loss).
2) Couple with two children and a gross income of €65,000 with a non-dependent adult in the house with an income of €20,000 will receive 100% of the amount allowable as the household income is less than €70,000 (€65,000 + €4,000 [€20,000 x 20%] = €69,000).
Uninsured Properties : If you had no insurance and you do not have “reasonable grounds” for not having insurance, you will be expected to contribute the first €2,000 toward the amount allowable and your personal contribution will be 2% for each whole €1,000 above the appropriate income level for your household.
How to Claim this Humanitarian Assistance :
Form available Here . Or contact your local Social Protection office
Our home was flooded a few years back and as a result our insurance premium went through the roof . We are once again at risk and unable to pay costs of anything extra on insurance premiums . What we are looking for is money to do drains , around house and therefore hopefully eleviate the risk of flooding again . I have photos which show the risk we are under . It is approximately 30 yards long and an estimate we got over phone puts the cost of doing this drain at €600 plus for cleaning , if repairs needed it would be more . At the end of the day , surely prevention would be better than cure