How Young Drivers can Reduce Car Insurance Costs

As we recently reported – if provisional licence holders can get car insurance it can cost three to five thousand euro a year.

There are ways of lowering the cost of car insurance if you are a young driver.

Choose a car with a smaller engine

Young drivers might want  to drive fast cars to try and look cool – but buying a car with a smaller engine will usually mean lower  insurance premiums.
A quote for a learner driver in a 1.6l car was €5088 – while the same driver was quoted €4771 in a 1.4l car and €4255 if he was driving a  a car with a 1.1 litre engine.  That’s a  reduction of  over €800 .

Make the car safe and secure
Young drivers can lower their premiums by increasing their car security such as keeping the vehicle in a locked garage overnight or off the street and adding extra security devices.

Keep the car standard

Spoilers, alloy wheels and other modifications may look the part, but they don’t play their part in getting cheap car insurance for young drivers.

Earn a no-claims discount

Safe motoring doesn’t have to mean Sunday driving! A young driver who has built up a history of no claims will  benefit from cheaper car insurance . It’s a simple equation: safer driving equals cheaper car insurance for young drivers.